Monitor & Evaluate

Program Sustainability

The Goals in this section will help you assess the early detection program’s performance and impact, and adjust the program design as needed.



Monitor progress to catch and resolve issues.

These Actions will help you monitor the program's performance to uncover challenges in the implementation process. Follow the evaluation and monitoring framework created in Goal 6 (Plan). Identify new or evolved policies, protocols, and processes to resolve any issues. You may need additional change-management support to guide teams through this transformation.

2 Actions




Define a dissemination plan.

These Actions will help you create a dissemination plan to communicate the value and impact of the early detection program for cognitive impairment, so others can learn from shared experiences and become involved as well. Highlight the key points from your program evaluation and outline the next steps for the program's growth.

3 Actions


Monitor & Evaluate


Define a dissemination plan.

The Actions below will help you create a dissemination plan to communicate the value and impact of the early detection program for cognitive impairment, so others can learn from shared experiences and become involved as well. Highlight the key points from your program evaluation and outline the next steps for the program's growth.



Collate evidence and success stories from the program evaluation to-date.

  • Reference the initial program model and evaluation framework from Goal 6 to align with the program's starting point.
  • Use the data collected as part of your evaluation and monitoring efforts (see Goal 6) to highlight the program's progress and impact. Testimonials from staff, patients, and family caregivers could be particularly impactful.
  • Within the healthcare system, sharing experiences and data from participating providers can help convince others of the value and impact.



Share the evidence with the local community of patients, partners, and other healthcare systems to encourage greater awareness.

  • Continue to update the stakeholders with the program’s progress. 
  • Collaborate with stakeholders on how to make program improvements in the future.
  • Share learnings from the program through relevant communications, such as newsletters, community organizations, professional societies, social media, trade media, academic publications, and/or conference presentations.



Explore ways to expand the program.

  • Identify potential funding and partnership opportunities that may help sustain or grow the program.
  • Examine for opportunities for growth within your organization and other healthcare systems.
  • Continually evolve the program with the goal of developing a sustainability plan (e.g., incorporating program goals into strategic priorities of your organization or healthcare system).

Monitor & Evaluate


Monitor progress to catch and resolve issues.

The Actions below will help you monitor the program's performance to uncover challenges in the implementation process. Follow the evaluation and monitoring framework created in Goal 6 (Plan). Identify new or evolved policies, protocols, and processes to resolve any issues. You may need additional change-management support to guide teams through this transformation.



Conduct an evaluation of the clinical and operational workflow and patient experience to identify gaps and bottlenecks.

  • Based on the monitoring and evaluation metrics set (Goal 6), conduct an evaluation of the program according to the implementation schedule (Goal 10).
  • Request feedback from the team members and patients to understand what is working and what needs improvement.
  • Perform evaluations at regular intervals to monitor the program's progress over an extended period.



Determine solutions to the gaps and revise the workflow for improvement.

  • Provide additional change management support, such as training, to help the team stay aligned and progressing toward program goals.
  • Set regular meetings and reporting schedules focused on ongoing monitoring and remediation.
  • Establish a formal change log and a process for prioritizing and resolving issues.